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Attributes (H5A)
HDF5 attribute is a small metadata object describing the nature and/or intended usage of a primary data object.
Datasets (H5D)
Manage HDF5 datasets, including the transfer of data between memory and disk and the description of dataset properties.
Dataspaces (H5S)
HDF5 dataspaces describe the shape of datasets in memory or in HDF5 files.
Datatypes (H5T)
HDF5 datatypes describe the element type of HDF5 datasets and attributes.
Error Handling (H5E)
HDF5 library error reporting.
Files (H5F)
Manage HDF5 files.
Filters (H5Z)
Manage HDF5 user-defined filters
Groups (H5G)
Manage HDF5 groups.
Identifiers (H5I)
Manage identifiers defined by the HDF5 library.
Library General (H5)
Manage the life cycle of HDF5 library instances.
Links (H5L)
Manage HDF5 links and link types.
Objects (H5O)
Manage HDF5 objects (groups, datasets, datatype objects).
Property Lists (H5P)
HDF5 property lists are the main vehicle to configure the behavior of HDF5 API functions.
References (H5R)
Manage HDF5 references (HDF5 objects, attributes, and selections on datasets a.k.a. dataset regions).
High Level Lite (H5LT)
Functions to simplify creating and manipulating datasets, attributes and other features
High Level Image (H5IM)
Creating and manipulating HDF5 datasets intended to be interpreted as images
High Level Table (H5TB)
Creating and manipulating HDF5 datasets intended to be interpreted as tables
High Level Dimension Scale (H5DS)
Creating and manipulating HDF5 datasets that are associated with the dimension of another HDF5 dataset
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