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API Reference
Functions | |
static long | H5Screate (int type) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static long | H5Screate_simple (int rank, long[] dims, long[] maxdims) throws HDF5Exception, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native long | H5Sset_extent_simple (long space_id, int rank, long[] current_size, long[] maximum_size) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized long | H5Sset_extent_simple (long space_id, int rank, byte[] current_size, byte[] maximum_size) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static long | H5Scopy (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static int | H5Sclose (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native byte[] | H5Sencode (long obj_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native long | H5Sdecode (byte[] buf) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native long | H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sget_simple_extent_dims (long space_id, long[] dims, long[] maxdims) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native boolean | H5Sis_simple (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sget_simple_extent_type (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sset_extent_none (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sextent_copy (long dest_space_id, long source_space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native boolean | H5Sextent_equal (long first_space_id, long second_space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sget_select_type (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native long | H5Sget_select_npoints (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native void | H5Sselect_copy (long dst_id, long src_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native boolean | H5Sselect_valid (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native void | H5Sselect_adjust (long space_id, long[][] offset) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sget_select_bounds (long space_id, long[] start, long[] end) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native boolean | H5Sselect_shape_same (long space1_id, long space2_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native boolean | H5Sselect_intersect_block (long space_id, long[] start, long[] end) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native int | H5Soffset_simple (long space_id, byte[] offset) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized int | H5Soffset_simple (long space_id, long[] offset) throws HDF5Exception, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sselect_all (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sselect_none (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized int | H5Sselect_elements (long space_id, int op, int num_elements, long[][] coord2D) throws HDF5Exception, HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native long | H5Sget_select_elem_npoints (long spaceid) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist (long spaceid, long startpoint, long numpoints, long[] buf) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized int | H5Sselect_hyperslab (long space_id, int op, byte[] start, byte[] stride, byte[] count, byte[] block) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sselect_hyperslab (long space_id, int op, long[] start, long[] stride, long[] count, long[] block) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException |
static synchronized native long | H5Scombine_hyperslab (long space_id, int op, long[] start, long[] stride, long[] count, long[] block) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException |
static synchronized native void | H5Smodify_select (long space1_id, int op, long space2_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native long | H5Scombine_select (long space1_id, int op, long space2_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native boolean | H5Sis_regular_hyperslab (long space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native void | H5Sget_regular_hyperslab (long space_id, long[] start, long[] stride, long[] count, long[] block) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException |
static synchronized native long | H5Sget_select_hyper_nblocks (long spaceid) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native int | H5Sget_select_hyper_blocklist (long spaceid, long startblock, long numblocks, long[] buf) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native long | H5Sselect_project_intersection (long src_space_id, long dst_space_id, long src_intersect_space_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static |
H5Sclose releases a dataspace.
space_id | Identifier of dataspace to release. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Scombine_hyperslab combines a hyperslab selection with the current selection for a dataspace, creating a new dataspace to return the generated selection. If the current selection is not a hyperslab, it is freed and the hyperslab parameters passed in are combined with the H5S_SEL_ALL hyperslab (ie. a selection composing the entire current extent). If STRIDE or BLOCK is NULL, they are assumed to be set to all '1'.
space_id | IN: Dataspace ID of selection to use |
op | IN: Operation to perform on current selection. |
start | IN: Offset of start of hyperslab |
stride | IN: Hyperslab stride. |
count | IN: Number of blocks included in hyperslab. |
block | IN: Size of block in hyperslab. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | an input array is null. |
IllegalArgumentException | an input array is invalid. |
static |
H5Scombine_select combines two existing hyperslab selections with an operation, returning a new dataspace with the resulting selection. The dataspace extent from space1 is copied for the dataspace extent of the newly created dataspace.
space1_id | ID of the first dataspace |
op | Operation to perform on current selection. |
space2_id | ID of the second dataspace |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Scopy creates a new dataspace which is an exact copy of the dataspace identified by space_id.
space_id | Identifier of dataspace to copy. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Screate creates a new dataspace of a particular type.
type | IN: The type of dataspace to be created. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Screate_simple creates a new simple data space and opens it for access.
rank | IN: Number of dimensions of dataspace. |
dims | IN: An array of the size of each dimension. |
maxdims | IN: An array of the maximum size of each dimension. |
HDF5Exception | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | dims or maxdims is null. |
static |
H5Sdecode reconstructs the HDF5 data space object and returns a new object handle for it.
buf | IN: Buffer for the data space object to be decoded. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | buf is null. |
static |
H5Sencode converts a data space description into binary form in a buffer.
obj_id | IN: Identifier of the object to be encoded. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sextent_copy copies the extent from source_space_id to dest_space_id. This action may change the type of the dataspace.
dest_space_id | IN: The identifier for the dataspace from which the extent is copied. |
source_space_id | IN: The identifier for the dataspace to which the extent is copied. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sextent_equal determines whether the dataspace extents of two dataspaces, space1_id and space2_id, are equal.
first_space_id | IN: The identifier for the first dataspace. |
second_space_id | IN: The identifier for the seconddataspace. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sget_regular_hyperslab determines if a hyperslab selection is regular for the dataspace specified by space_id. The start, stride, count, and block arrays must be the same size as the rank of the dataspace.
space_id | IN: Identifier of dataspace selection to modify |
start | OUT: Offset of start of hyperslab |
stride | OUT: Hyperslab stride. |
count | OUT: Number of blocks included in hyperslab. |
block | OUT: Size of block in hyperslab. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | an output array is null. |
IllegalArgumentException | an output array is invalid. |
static |
H5Sget_select_bounds retrieves the coordinates of the bounding box containing the current selection and places them into user-supplied buffers.
The start and end buffers must be large enough to hold the dataspace rank number of coordinates.
space_id | Identifier of dataspace to release. |
start | coordinates of lowest corner of bounding box. |
end | coordinates of highest corner of bounding box. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | start or end is null. |
static |
H5Sget_select_elem_npoints returns the number of element points in the current dataspace selection.
spaceid | Identifier of dataspace to release. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist returns an array of of element points in the current dataspace selection. The point coordinates have the same dimensionality (rank) as the dataspace they are located within, one coordinate per point.
spaceid | Identifier of dataspace to release. |
startpoint | first point to retrieve |
numpoints | number of points to retrieve |
buf | returns points startblock to startblock+num-1, each points is rank longs. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | buf is null. |
static |
H5Sget_select_hyper_blocklist returns an array of hyperslab blocks. The block coordinates have the same dimensionality (rank) as the dataspace they are located within. The list of blocks is formatted as follows:
<"start" coordinate>, immediately followed by <"opposite" corner coordinate>, followed by the next "start" and "opposite" coordinates, etc. until all of the selected blocks have been listed.
spaceid | Identifier of dataspace to release. |
startblock | first block to retrieve |
numblocks | number of blocks to retrieve |
buf | returns blocks startblock to startblock+num-1, each block is rank * 2 (corners) longs. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | buf is null. |
static |
H5Sget_select_hyper_nblocks returns the number of hyperslab blocks in the current dataspace selection.
spaceid | Identifier of dataspace to release. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sget_select_npoints determines the number of elements in the current selection of a dataspace.
space_id | IN: Identifier of the dataspace object to query |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sget_select_type retrieves the type of selection currently defined for the dataspace space_id.
space_id | IN: Identifier of the dataspace object to query |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sget_simple_extent_dims returns the size and maximum sizes of each dimension of a dataspace through the dims and maxdims parameters.
space_id | IN: Identifier of the dataspace object to query |
dims | OUT: Pointer to array to store the size of each dimension. |
maxdims | OUT: Pointer to array to store the maximum size of each dimension. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | dims or maxdims is null. |
static |
H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims determines the dimensionality (or rank) of a dataspace.
space_id | IN: Identifier of the dataspace |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints determines the number of elements in a dataspace.
space_id | ID of the dataspace object to query |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sget_simple_extent_type queries a dataspace to determine the current class of a dataspace.
space_id | Dataspace identifier. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sis_regular_hyperslab retrieves a regular hyperslab selection for the dataspace specified by space_id.
space_id | IN: Identifier of dataspace selection to query |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sis_simple determines whether a dataspace is a simple dataspace.
space_id | Identifier of the dataspace to query |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Smodify_select refine an existing hyperslab selection with an operation, using a second hyperslab. The first selection is modified to contain the result of space1 operated on by space2.
space1_id | ID of the destination dataspace |
op | Operation to perform on current selection. |
space2_id | ID of the source dataspace |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Soffset_simple sets the offset of a simple dataspace space_id.
space_id | IN: The identifier for the dataspace object to reset. |
offset | IN: The offset at which to position the selection. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | offset array is null. |
static |
H5Soffset_simple sets the offset of a simple dataspace space_id.
space_id | IN: The identifier for the dataspace object to reset. |
offset | IN: The offset at which to position the selection. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | offset array is null. |
static |
H5Sselect_adjust moves a selection by subtracting an offset from it.
space_id | ID of dataspace to adjust |
offset | Offset to subtract |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | offset is null. |
static |
H5Sselect_all selects the entire extent of the dataspace space_id.
space_id | IN: The identifier of the dataspace to be selected. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sselect_copy copies all the selection information (including offset) from the source dataspace to the destination dataspace.
dst_id | ID of the destination dataspace |
src_id | ID of the source dataspace |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sselect_elements selects array elements to be included in the selection for the space_id dataspace.
space_id | Identifier of the dataspace. |
op | operator specifying how the new selection is combined. |
num_elements | Number of elements to be selected. |
coord2D | A 2-dimensional array specifying the coordinates of the elements. |
HDF5Exception | Error in the data conversion |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | cord array is |
static |
H5Sselect_hyperslab selects a hyperslab region to add to the current selected region for the dataspace specified by space_id. The start, stride, count, and block arrays must be the same size as the rank of the dataspace.
space_id | IN: Identifier of dataspace selection to modify |
op | IN: Operation to perform on current selection. |
start | IN: Offset of start of hyperslab |
stride | IN: Hyperslab stride. |
count | IN: Number of blocks included in hyperslab. |
block | IN: Size of block in hyperslab. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | an input array is null. |
IllegalArgumentException | an input array is invalid. |
static |
H5Sselect_hyperslab selects a hyperslab region to add to the current selected region for the dataspace specified by space_id. The start, stride, count, and block arrays must be the same size as the rank of the dataspace.
space_id | IN: Identifier of dataspace selection to modify |
op | IN: Operation to perform on current selection. |
start | IN: Offset of start of hyperslab |
stride | IN: Hyperslab stride. |
count | IN: Number of blocks included in hyperslab. |
block | IN: Size of block in hyperslab. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | an input array is null. |
IllegalArgumentException | an input array is invalid. |
static |
H5Sselect_intersect_block checks to see if the current selection in the dataspace intersects with the block given.
space_id | ID of dataspace pointer to compare |
start | Starting coordinate of block |
end | Opposite ("ending") coordinate of block |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | offset is null. |
static |
H5Sselect_none resets the selection region for the dataspace space_id to include no elements.
space_id | IN: The identifier of the dataspace to be reset. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sselect_project_intersection projects the intersection of the selections of src_space_id and src_intersect_space_id within the selection of src_space_id as a selection within the selection of dst_space_id.
src_space_id | Selection that is mapped to dst_space_id, and intersected with src_intersect_space_id |
dst_space_id | Selection that is mapped to src_space_id |
src_intersect_space_id | Selection whose intersection with src_space_id is projected to dst_space_id to obtain the result |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sselect_shape_same checks to see if the current selection in the dataspaces are the same dimensionality and shape. This is primarily used for reading the entire selection in one swoop.
space1_id | ID of 1st Dataspace pointer to compare |
space2_id | ID of 2nd Dataspace pointer to compare |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sselect_valid verifies that the selection for the dataspace.
space_id | The identifier for the dataspace in which the selection is being reset. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sset_extent_none removes the extent from a dataspace and sets the type to H5S_NONE.
space_id | The identifier for the dataspace from which the extent is to be removed. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sset_extent_simple sets or resets the size of an existing dataspace.
space_id | Dataspace identifier. |
rank | Rank, or dimensionality, of the dataspace. |
current_size | Array containing current size of dataspace. |
maximum_size | Array containing maximum size of dataspace. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Sset_extent_simple sets or resets the size of an existing dataspace.
space_id | Dataspace identifier. |
rank | Rank, or dimensionality, of the dataspace. |
current_size | Array containing current size of dataspace. |
maximum_size | Array containing maximum size of dataspace. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |