![]() |
API Reference
Functions | |
static int | H5Oclose (long object_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native void | H5Ocopy (long src_loc_id, String src_name, long dst_loc_id, String dst_name, long ocpypl_id, long lcpl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native String | H5Oget_comment (long obj_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, IllegalArgumentException |
static synchronized native void | H5Oset_comment (long obj_id, String comment) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native String | H5Oget_comment_by_name (long loc_id, String name, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native void | H5Oset_comment_by_name (long loc_id, String name, String comment, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static H5O_info_t | H5Oget_info (long loc_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native H5O_info_t | H5Oget_info (long loc_id, int fields) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static H5O_info_t | H5Oget_info_by_idx (long loc_id, String group_name, int idx_type, int order, long n, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native H5O_info_t | H5Oget_info_by_idx (long loc_id, String group_name, int idx_type, int order, long n, int fields, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static H5O_info_t | H5Oget_info_by_name (long loc_id, String name, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native H5O_info_t | H5Oget_info_by_name (long loc_id, String name, int fields, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native void | H5Olink (long obj_id, long new_loc_id, String new_name, long lcpl_id, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static long | H5Oopen (long loc_id, String name, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static int | H5Ovisit (long obj_id, int idx_type, int order, H5O_iterate_t op, H5O_iterate_opdata_t op_data) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native int | H5Ovisit (long obj_id, int idx_type, int order, H5O_iterate_t op, H5O_iterate_opdata_t op_data, int fields) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static int | H5Ovisit_by_name (long loc_id, String obj_name, int idx_type, int order, H5O_iterate_t op, H5O_iterate_opdata_t op_data, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native int | H5Ovisit_by_name (long loc_id, String obj_name, int idx_type, int order, H5O_iterate_t op, H5O_iterate_opdata_t op_data, int fields, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native boolean | H5Oexists_by_name (long loc_id, String obj_name, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native void | H5Odecr_refcount (long object_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native void | H5Oincr_refcount (long object_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static long | H5Oopen_by_token (long loc_id, H5O_token_t token) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static long | H5Oopen_by_idx (long loc_id, String group_name, int idx_type, int order, long n, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native void | H5Oflush (long object_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native void | H5Orefresh (long object_id) throws HDF5LibraryException |
static synchronized native void | H5Odisable_mdc_flushes (long object_id) |
static synchronized native void | H5Oenable_mdc_flushes (long object_id) |
static synchronized native boolean | H5Oare_mdc_flushes_disabled (long object_id) |
static H5O_native_info_t | H5Oget_native_info (long loc_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native H5O_native_info_t | H5Oget_native_info (long loc_id, int fields) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static H5O_native_info_t | H5Oget_native_info_by_idx (long loc_id, String group_name, int idx_type, int order, long n, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native H5O_native_info_t | H5Oget_native_info_by_idx (long loc_id, String group_name, int idx_type, int order, long n, int fields, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static H5O_native_info_t | H5Oget_native_info_by_name (long loc_id, String name, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static synchronized native H5O_native_info_t | H5Oget_native_info_by_name (long loc_id, String name, int fields, long lapl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException |
static |
H5Oare_mdc_flushes_disabled retrieve the object's "cork" status.
object_id | IN: Identifier of the object to be flushed. |
static |
H5Oclose closes the group, dataset, or named datatype specified.
object_id | IN: Object identifier |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Ocopy copies the group, dataset or named datatype specified from the file or group specified by source location to the destination location.
src_loc_id | IN: Object identifier indicating the location of the source object to be copied |
src_name | IN: Name of the source object to be copied |
dst_loc_id | IN: Location identifier specifying the destination |
dst_name | IN: Name to be assigned to the new copy |
ocpypl_id | IN: Object copy property list |
lcpl_id | IN: Link creation property list for the new hard link |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Odecr_refcount decrements the hard link reference count for an object.
object_id | IN: Object identifier |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Odisable_mdc_flushes corks an object, keeping dirty entries associated with the object in the metadata cache.
object_id | IN: Identifier of the object to be corked. |
static |
H5Oenable_mdc_flushes uncorks an object, keeping dirty entries associated with the object in the metadata cache.
object_id | IN: Identifier of the object to be uncorked. |
static |
H5Oexists_by_name is used by an application to check that an existing link resolves to an object. Primarily, it is designed to check for dangling soft, external, or user-defined links.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
obj_name | IN: Relative path to the object |
lapl_id | IN: Link access property list identifier |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oflush causes all buffers associated with an object to be immediately flushed to disk without removing the data from the cache. object_id can be any named object associated with an HDF5 file including a dataset, a group, or a committed datatype.
object_id | IN: Identifier of the object to be flushed. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Oget_comment retrieves the comment for the specified object.
obj_id | IN: File or group identifier |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Oget_comment_by_name retrieves the comment for an object.
loc_id | IN: Identifier of a file, group, dataset, or named datatype. |
name | IN: Relative name of the object whose comment is to be set or reset. |
lapl_id | IN: Link access property list identifier. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_info retrieves the metadata for an object specified by an identifier.
loc_id | IN: Identifier for target object |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_info retrieves the metadata for an object specified by an identifier.
loc_id | IN: Identifier for target object |
fields | IN: Object fields to select |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_info_by_idx retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by an index position.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
group_name | IN: Name of group, relative to loc_id, in which object is located |
idx_type | IN: Type of index by which objects are ordered |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
n | IN: Object to open |
fields | IN: Object fields to select |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object (Not currently used; pass as H5P_DEFAULT.) |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_info_by_idx retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by an index position.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
group_name | IN: Name of group, relative to loc_id, in which object is located |
idx_type | IN: Type of index by which objects are ordered |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
n | IN: Object to open |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object (Not currently used; pass as H5P_DEFAULT.) |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_info_by_name retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by location and relative name.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located |
name | IN: Relative name of group |
fields | IN: Object fields to select |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object (Not currently used; pass as H5P_DEFAULT.) |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_info_by_name retrieves the metadata for an object, identifying the object by location and relative name.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located |
name | IN: Relative name of group |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object (Not currently used; pass as H5P_DEFAULT.) |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_native_info retrieves the native HDF5-specific metadata for an HDF5 object specified by an identifier. Native HDF5-specific metadata includes things like object header information and object storage layout information.
loc_id | IN: Identifier for target object |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_native_info retrieves the native HDF5-specific metadata for an HDF5 object specified by an identifier. Native HDF5-specific metadata includes things like object header information and object storage layout information.
loc_id | IN: Identifier for target object |
fields | IN: Object fields to select |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_native_info_by_idx retrieves the native HDF5-specific metadata for an HDF5 object, identifying the object by an index position. Native HDF5-specific metadata includes things like object header information and object storage layout information.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
group_name | IN: Name of group, relative to loc_id, in which object is located |
idx_type | IN: Type of index by which objects are ordered |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
n | IN: Object to open |
fields | IN: Object fields to select |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object (Not currently used; pass as H5P_DEFAULT.) |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_native_info_by_idx retrieves the native HDF5-specific metadata for an HDF5 object, identifying the object by an index position. Native HDF5-specific metadata includes things like object header information and object storage layout information.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
group_name | IN: Name of group, relative to loc_id, in which object is located |
idx_type | IN: Type of index by which objects are ordered |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
n | IN: Object to open |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object (Not currently used; pass as H5P_DEFAULT.) |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_native_info_by_name retrieves the native HDF5-specific metadata for an HDF5 object, identifying the object by location and relative name. Native HDF5-specific metadata includes things like object header information and object storage layout information.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located |
name | IN: Relative name of group |
fields | IN: Object fields to select |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object (Not currently used; pass as H5P_DEFAULT.) |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oget_native_info_by_name retrieves the native HDF5-specific metadata for an HDF5 object, identifying the object by location and relative name. Native HDF5-specific metadata includes things like object header information and object storage layout information.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier specifying location of group in which object is located |
name | IN: Relative name of group |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object (Not currently used; pass as H5P_DEFAULT.) |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oincr_refcount increments the hard link reference count for an object.
object_id | IN: Object identifier |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Olink creates a new hard link to an object in an HDF5 file.
obj_id | IN: Object to be linked. |
new_loc_id | IN: File or group identifier specifying location at which object is to be linked. |
new_name | IN: Relative name of link to be created. |
lcpl_id | IN: Link creation property list identifier. |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oopen opens a group, dataset, or named datatype specified by a location and a path name.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
name | IN: Relative path to the object |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Oopen_by_idx opens the nth object in the group specified.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
group_name | IN: Name of group, relative to loc_id, in which object is located |
idx_type | IN: Type of index by which objects are ordered |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
n | IN: Object to open |
lapl_id | IN: Access property list identifier for the link pointing to the object |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | group_name is null. |
static |
H5Oopen_by_token opens a group, dataset, or named datatype using its object token within an HDF5 file.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
token | IN: Object's token in the file |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Orefresh causes all buffers associated with an object to be cleared and immediately re-loaded with updated contents from disk. This function essentially closes the object, evicts all metadata associated with it from the cache, and then re-opens the object. The reopened object is automatically re-registered with the same ID. object_id can be any named object associated with an HDF5 file including a dataset, a group, or a committed datatype.
object_id | IN: Identifier of the object to be refreshed. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Oset_comment sets the comment for the specified object.
obj_id | IN: Identifier of the target object |
comment | IN: The new comment. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
static |
H5Oset_comment_by_name sets the comment for the specified object.
loc_id | IN: Identifier of a file, group, dataset, or named datatype. |
name | IN: Relative name of the object whose comment is to be set or reset. |
comment | IN: The new comment. |
lapl_id | IN: Link access property list identifier. |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Ovisit recursively visits all objects accessible from a specified object.
obj_id | IN: Identifier of the object at which the recursive iteration begins. |
idx_type | IN: Type of index |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
op | IN: Callback function passing data regarding the object to the calling application |
op_data | IN: User-defined pointer to data required by the application for its processing of the object |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Ovisit recursively visits all objects accessible from a specified object.
obj_id | IN: Identifier of the object at which the recursive iteration begins. |
idx_type | IN: Type of index |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
op | IN: Callback function passing data regarding the object to the calling application |
op_data | IN: User-defined pointer to data required by the application for its processing of the object |
fields | IN: Object fields to select |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Ovisit_by_name recursively visits all objects starting from a specified object.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
obj_name | IN: Relative path to the object |
idx_type | IN: Type of index |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
op | IN: Callback function passing data regarding the object to the calling application |
op_data | IN: User-defined pointer to data required by the application for its processing of the object |
fields | IN: Object fields to select |
lapl_id | IN: Link access property list identifier |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |
static |
H5Ovisit_by_name recursively visits all objects starting from a specified object.
loc_id | IN: File or group identifier |
obj_name | IN: Relative path to the object |
idx_type | IN: Type of index |
order | IN: Order of iteration within index |
op | IN: Callback function passing data regarding the object to the calling application |
op_data | IN: User-defined pointer to data required by the application for its processing of the object |
lapl_id | IN: Link access property list identifier |
HDF5LibraryException | Error from the HDF5 Library. |
NullPointerException | name is null. |