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Release Software Changes for HDF5 1.12

Software Changes from Release to Release in HDF5 1.12

For a description of the major new features that were introduced, please see New Features in HDF5 Release 1.12.

This page provides information on the changes that a maintenance developer needs to be aware of between successive releases of HDF5, such as:

  • New or changed features or tools
  • Syntax and behavioral changes in the existing application programming interface (the API)
  • Certain types of changes in configuration or build processes

Note that bug fixes and performance enhancements in the C library are automatically picked up by the C++, Fortran, and Java libraries.

The following information is included below.

The release notes also list changes made to the library, but these notes tend to be more at a more detail-oriented level. The release notes may include new features, bugs fixed, supported configuration features, platforms on which the library has been tested, and known problems. The release note files are listed below and can be found at the top level of the HDF5 source code tree in the release_docs directory.

Release NotesTechnical notes regarding the current release of the HDF5 library (RELEASE.txt in the source code)
HISTORY-1_12.txtRelease information for all HDF5-1.12 releases
HISTORY-1_10_0-1_12_0.txtDevelopment history between the HDF5-1.10.0 and HDF5-1.12.0 releases
HISTORY-1_10.txtRelease information for all HDF5-1.10 releases
HISTORY-1_8_0-1_10_0.txtDevelopment history between the HDF5-1.8.0 and HDF5-1.10.0 releases
HISTORY-1_8.txtRelease information for HDF5-1.8.0 through HDF5-1.8.21 releases
HISTORY-1_0-1_8_0_rc3.txtTechnical notes starting with HDF5-1.0.0 and ending with HDF5-1.8.0-rc3 (the state of the code prior to the HDF5-1.8.0 release)

Release 1.12.2 versus Release 1.12.1

This section lists interface-level changes and other user-visible changes in behavior in the transition from HDF5 Release 1.12.1 to Release 1.12.2.

New and Changed Functions, Classes, Subroutines, Wrappers, and Macros

The following are new C functions in this release:

See API Compatibility Reports for 1.12.2 for complete details.

Release 1.12.1 versus Release 1.12.0

This section lists interface-level changes and other user-visible changes in behavior in the transition from HDF5 Release 1.12.0 to Release 1.12.1.

New and Changed Functions, Classes, Subroutines, Wrappers, and Macros

The following are new C functions in this release:

In the C++ Wrapper

The following C++ wrappers were added:

  • DataSet::operator= - Operator= for DataSet class
  • FileAccPropList::getFileLocking - See H5Pget_file_locking for details
  • FileAccPropList::setFileLocking - See H5Pset_file_locking for details

See the API Compatibility report for complete details.

Compatibility Notes and Report

See API Compatibility Reports for 1.12 for information regarding compatibility with previous releases.

Release 1.12.0 versus Release 1.10.6

This section lists interface-level changes and other user-visible changes in behavior in the transition from HDF5 Release 1.10.6 to Release 1.12.0.

New Features

For a description of the major new features that were introduced, please see New Features in HDF5 Release 1.12.

New and Changed Functions, Classes, Subroutines, Wrappers, and Macros

In the C Interface (main library)
Following are the new or changed APIs introduced in HDF5-1.12.0. Those introduced with a new feature list the specific new feature that they were added for.

In the Fortran Interface (main library)
Following are the new or changed APIs introduced in HDF5-1.12.0. Those introduced with a new feature list the specific new feature that they were added for.

In the C++ Wrapper

API Compatibility

See API Compatibility Macros in HDF5 for details on using HDF5 version 1.12 with previous releases.

[Compatibility report for Release 1.12.0 versus Release 1.10.6]()