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Keep the following in mind when looking at the example programs included in this tutorial:

APIs vary with different languages

  • C routines begin with the prefix “H5*” where * is a single letter indicating the object on which the operation is to be performed:
    File Interface: H5Fopen
    Dataset Interface: H5Dopen
  • Java routine names begin with “H5*” and are prefixed with “H5.” as the class. Constants are in the HDF5Constants class and are prefixed with "HDF5Constants.".:
    File Interface: H5.H5Fopen
    Dataset Interface: H5.H5Dopen
  • APIS for languages like C++, Java, and Python use methods associated with specific objects.

HDF5 library has its own defined types

  • hid_t is used for object handles
  • hsize_t is used for dimensions
  • herr_t is used for many return values

Language specific files must be included in applications

See also
Examples by API for examples of using the HDF5 API.

Previous Chapter The HDF5 API - Next Chapter Creating an HDF5 File

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