hid_t | H5Tcreate (H5T_class_t type, size_t size) |
| Creates a new datatype.
hid_t | H5Tcopy (hid_t type_id) |
| Copies an existing datatype.
herr_t | H5Tclose (hid_t type_id) |
| Releases a datatype.
herr_t | H5Tclose_async (hid_t type_id, hid_t es_id) |
| Asynchronous version of H5Tclose().
htri_t | H5Tequal (hid_t type1_id, hid_t type2_id) |
| Determines whether two datatype identifiers refer to the same datatype.
herr_t | H5Tlock (hid_t type_id) |
| Locks a datatype.
herr_t | H5Tcommit2 (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, hid_t type_id, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t tcpl_id, hid_t tapl_id) |
| Commits a transient datatype, linking it into the file and creating a new committed datatype.
herr_t | H5Tcommit_async (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, hid_t type_id, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t tcpl_id, hid_t tapl_id, hid_t es_id) |
| Asynchronous version of H5Tcommit2().
hid_t | H5Topen2 (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, hid_t tapl_id) |
| Opens a committed (named) datatype.
hid_t | H5Topen_async (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, hid_t tapl_id, hid_t es_id) |
| Asynchronous version of H5Topen2().
herr_t | H5Tcommit_anon (hid_t loc_id, hid_t type_id, hid_t tcpl_id, hid_t tapl_id) |
| Commits a transient datatype to a file, creating a newly named datatype, but does not link it into the file structure.
hid_t | H5Tget_create_plist (hid_t type_id) |
| Returns a copy of a datatype's creation property list.
htri_t | H5Tcommitted (hid_t type_id) |
| Determines whether a datatype is a committed type or a transient type.
herr_t | H5Tencode (hid_t obj_id, void *buf, size_t *nalloc) |
| Encodes a datatype object description into a binary buffer.
hid_t | H5Tdecode2 (const void *buf, size_t buf_size) |
| Decodes a binary object description of datatype and returns a new object handle.
herr_t | H5Tflush (hid_t type_id) |
| Flushes all buffers associated with a committed datatype to disk.
herr_t | H5Trefresh (hid_t type_id) |
| Refreshes all buffers associated with a committed datatype.
herr_t | H5Tinsert (hid_t parent_id, const char *name, size_t offset, hid_t member_id) |
| Adds a new member to a compound datatype.
herr_t | H5Tpack (hid_t type_id) |
| Recursively removes padding from within a compound datatype.
hid_t | H5Tenum_create (hid_t base_id) |
| Creates a new enumeration datatype.
herr_t | H5Tenum_insert (hid_t type, const char *name, const void *value) |
| Inserts a new enumeration datatype member.
herr_t | H5Tenum_nameof (hid_t type, const void *value, char *name, size_t size) |
| Returns the symbol name corresponding to a specified member of an enumeration datatype.
herr_t | H5Tenum_valueof (hid_t type, const char *name, void *value) |
| Returns the value corresponding to a specified member of an enumeration datatype.
hid_t | H5Tvlen_create (hid_t base_id) |
| Creates a new variable-length array datatype.
hid_t | H5Tarray_create2 (hid_t base_id, unsigned ndims, const hsize_t dim[]) |
| Creates an array datatype object.
int | H5Tget_array_ndims (hid_t type_id) |
| Returns the rank of an array datatype.
int | H5Tget_array_dims2 (hid_t type_id, hsize_t dims[]) |
| Retrieves sizes of array dimensions.
hid_t | H5Tcomplex_create (hid_t base_type_id) |
| Creates a new complex number datatype.
herr_t | H5Tset_tag (hid_t type, const char *tag) |
| Tags an opaque datatype.
char * | H5Tget_tag (hid_t type) |
| Gets the tag associated with an opaque datatype.
hid_t | H5Tget_super (hid_t type) |
| Returns the base datatype from which a datatype is derived.
H5T_class_t | H5Tget_class (hid_t type_id) |
| Returns a datatype class.
htri_t | H5Tdetect_class (hid_t type_id, H5T_class_t cls) |
| Determines whether a datatype contains any datatypes of the given datatype class.
size_t | H5Tget_size (hid_t type_id) |
| Returns the size of a datatype.
H5T_order_t | H5Tget_order (hid_t type_id) |
| Returns the byte order of an atomic datatype.
size_t | H5Tget_precision (hid_t type_id) |
| Returns the precision of an atomic datatype.
int | H5Tget_offset (hid_t type_id) |
| Retrieves the bit offset of the first significant bit.
herr_t | H5Tget_pad (hid_t type_id, H5T_pad_t *lsb, H5T_pad_t *msb) |
| Retrieves the padding type of the least and most-significant bit padding.
H5T_sign_t | H5Tget_sign (hid_t type_id) |
| Retrieves the sign type for an integer type.
herr_t | H5Tget_fields (hid_t type_id, size_t *spos, size_t *epos, size_t *esize, size_t *mpos, size_t *msize) |
| Retrieves floating point datatype bit field information.
size_t | H5Tget_ebias (hid_t type_id) |
| Retrieves the exponent bias of a floating-point type.
H5T_norm_t | H5Tget_norm (hid_t type_id) |
| Retrieves mantissa normalization of a floating-point datatype.
H5T_pad_t | H5Tget_inpad (hid_t type_id) |
| Retrieves the internal padding type for unused bits in floating-point datatypes.
H5T_str_t | H5Tget_strpad (hid_t type_id) |
| Retrieves the type of padding used for a string datatype.
int | H5Tget_nmembers (hid_t type_id) |
| Retrieves the number of elements in a compound or enumeration datatype.
char * | H5Tget_member_name (hid_t type_id, unsigned membno) |
| Retrieves the name of a compound or enumeration datatype member.
int | H5Tget_member_index (hid_t type_id, const char *name) |
| Retrieves the index of a compound or enumeration datatype member.
size_t | H5Tget_member_offset (hid_t type_id, unsigned membno) |
| Retrieves the offset of a field of a compound datatype.
H5T_class_t | H5Tget_member_class (hid_t type_id, unsigned membno) |
| Returns datatype class of compound datatype member.
hid_t | H5Tget_member_type (hid_t type_id, unsigned membno) |
| Returns the datatype of the specified member.
herr_t | H5Tget_member_value (hid_t type_id, unsigned membno, void *value) |
| Returns the value of an enumeration datatype member.
H5T_cset_t | H5Tget_cset (hid_t type_id) |
| Retrieves the character set type of a string datatype.
htri_t | H5Tis_variable_str (hid_t type_id) |
| Determines whether datatype is a variable-length string.
hid_t | H5Tget_native_type (hid_t type_id, H5T_direction_t direction) |
| Returns the native datatype identifier of a specified datatype.
herr_t | H5Tset_size (hid_t type_id, size_t size) |
| Sets size for a datatype.
herr_t | H5Tset_order (hid_t type_id, H5T_order_t order) |
| Sets the byte order of a datatype.
herr_t | H5Tset_precision (hid_t type_id, size_t prec) |
| Sets the precision of an atomic datatype.
herr_t | H5Tset_offset (hid_t type_id, size_t offset) |
| Sets the bit offset of the first significant bit.
herr_t | H5Tset_pad (hid_t type_id, H5T_pad_t lsb, H5T_pad_t msb) |
| Sets the least and most-significant bits padding types.
herr_t | H5Tset_sign (hid_t type_id, H5T_sign_t sign) |
| Sets the sign property for an integer type.
herr_t | H5Tset_fields (hid_t type_id, size_t spos, size_t epos, size_t esize, size_t mpos, size_t msize) |
| Sets locations and sizes of floating point bit fields.
herr_t | H5Tset_ebias (hid_t type_id, size_t ebias) |
| Sets the exponent bias of a floating-point type.
herr_t | H5Tset_norm (hid_t type_id, H5T_norm_t norm) |
| Sets the mantissa normalization of a floating-point datatype.
herr_t | H5Tset_inpad (hid_t type_id, H5T_pad_t pad) |
| Fills unused internal floating-point bits.
herr_t | H5Tset_cset (hid_t type_id, H5T_cset_t cset) |
| Sets character set to be used in a string or character datatype.
herr_t | H5Tset_strpad (hid_t type_id, H5T_str_t strpad) |
| Defines the type of padding used for character strings.
herr_t | H5Tconvert (hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, size_t nelmts, void *buf, void *background, hid_t plist_id) |
| Converts data from one specified datatype to another.
herr_t | H5Treclaim (hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t plist_id, void *buf) |
| Reclaims the variable length (VL) datatype memory buffers.
hid_t | H5Tdecode1 (const void *buf) |
| Decodes a binary object description of datatype and returns a new object handle.
herr_t | H5Tcommit1 (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, hid_t type_id) |
| Commits a transient datatype to a file, creating a newly named datatype.
hid_t | H5Topen1 (hid_t loc_id, const char *name) |
| Opens a named datatype.
hid_t | H5Tarray_create1 (hid_t base_id, int ndims, const hsize_t dim[], const int perm[]) |
| Creates an array datatype object.
int | H5Tget_array_dims1 (hid_t type_id, hsize_t dims[], int perm[]) |
| Retrieves sizes of array dimensions.